The Heroic Journey of Mother Earth
Every being in the universe is on a journey. All paths entangled and interconnected, our journeys make up the galactic web that spans across time and space. Each journey is filled with failures and triumphs, pains and pleasures, lightness and darkness. Every being from the smallest to the most grand are mirror images of each other making their way down strands of the same cosmic web leading to the center source of love where we all emerge from and return to.
The journeys we are on are all archetypally patterned, and all contain similar elements of separation, initiation, and return. Joseph Campbell named this adventure, “The Hero’s Journey” and insists that this is the one true story of existence and is being played out by each of us. In some way, we are all faced with the terror of losing the world we knew as a child, the pain and confusion of being broken down by life’s heavy blows, and eventually the ecstatic joy of discovering ourselves and returning to our true center, to the child inside that never really left us.
In the same way that each of us are on this journey, our Mother Earth is also having her own heroic journey. All beings are enacting this story in some way, and our Mother Earth is a living, breathing, suffering being experiencing her existence physically and spiritually just as we are. She, like us, has energy centers, known as chakras, that need to be cleared and active in order for our planet to function and maintain her spiritual balance. These energy centers are much like human organs in the idea that together they create a grid for energy and information to travel throughout the planetary body while each chakra makes a distinct contribution to the well-being of the planet. According to Robert Coon, a known earth-chakra enthusiast, there is an earth chakra on each continent with the exception of Antartica, which contributes other more subtle energies to the Earth’s energetic balance. In the center of each chakra is a sacred site that defines the function of that world organ. The myths, legends and cultures surrounding these sites are representative of the functions of its particular earth chakra.
The more distracted and separated we have become from our own subtle energies, the more we have disregarded the subtle energies of the planet we live on. We have forgotten our sacred sites and depleted their natural beauty and resources. We’ve covered them with buildings and garbage and blocked her energies from flowing and staying balanced. We can see the consequences of this imbalance all around us in the changing climates and natural devastation of our world. Her forests are being destroyed, causing her to constantly fall short of breath, the extraction and burning of fossil fuels are draining the very life blood from her veins. Yet throughout all the pain and suffering we put our dear mother through, her heroic nature prevails and she continues to be our source of life.
As our species has finally begun to remember our connection to the planet we inhabit, consciousness of our effect on Earth is slowly being illuminated. Humanity is becoming aware of its true existence as spiritual beings and Mother Earth’s heroic journey is leading her out of suffering and on the path to returning to her natural glory. Respect for femininity as the source of life is escalating as our Earth Mother remembers her divine place in our story of oneness. With strength and wisdom she is shifting into a celestial state of peace and harmony, where she was always meant to be.
Bright blue and green, a spinning life covered marble in the heavens, Planet Earth has provided the sacred space for millions of life forms to grow and flourish. Of all the planets in our galaxy, the Sun chose Earth alone to embrace in the dance of uniting spirit and matter. The journey that came with this honor has been long and treacherous, and our Mother has persevered with remarkable courage. Her bravery has been an anomalous beacon of liveliness in a seemingly otherwise absolute galaxy. We, the children, of such a chivalrous hero, must surely be creatures of our own grandiose destiny. Her existence alone maintains are own and everything we know and love. She has given us all that is necessary to emerge from her womb as a magnificently evolved species. To our Mother Earth, our great heroin, we owe everything.
Fall 2012