the story, so far..


Dandelion, (Taraxacum Oficinale)


For as long as I can remember I’ve loved being in nature. When I was a kid the trees were my home, and no branch was unreachable. I spent countless hours with the wind in my hair, dirt on my feet, and pine cones and daisies stuffed in my pockets. I always loved collecting little natural keepsakes; feathers, oddly shaped rocks, flowers of every kind I could see; each one felt like a gift. Something about back then has forever left a longing in my heart, a longing for that wildness that somehow slips away as we grow up.

I lost my parents at a young age and though my inner world shattered the natural world held me and gave me a place to belong. Nature was one place for me that never felt borrowed, where I was never a stranger, but a welcomed prodigal daughter returning again to feel the wind kiss my cheeks, for the trees to see how tall I’d grown, and to be reminded me of my deep-rooted wildness. I followed my passion for my connection with nature through my education with an Associate of Arts in psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in liberal studies focusing on nature studies and environmental leadership. My journey has allowed me to continue to explore the natural world and how we interact together with an ever-changing point of view.

My mother, my grandmother and I have all had a deep love for crafting beautiful things. Handcrafting has helped me to feel close to them and it is something I am committed to passing onto my dear daughter. I honor myself, all mothers, and the life giving force of the universe by following my deeply ingrained urge to create and by crafting things to help heal and remind us of the love our Mother Earth has for us.

I started The Nightbird Apothecary out of a deep desire to spend my life creating magic and art with the gifts of Mother Earth. I created this space to share those creations with you. I hope you find in them the same magic we once had when we knew nature was our home, when we were still wild.

Onward and Blessed Be.

Love, Rachel H.

Love, Rachel H.

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”

-Roald Dahl