Moon Phases
All our lives we have been bathed in the light of the moon and even felt a bit of that ancient wildness on nights when it is full. We said goodnight to it as children and many of us became entranced watching as she followed our nighttime car rides. The moon has been a constant companion to all of us here on Earth. She pulls the tides and lights up our night skies, but she works in much subtler ways as well. Our moon’s energy is powerful magic that affects the phases of our life as her phases change with them.
Our moon follows a month long cycle. During that time she is born as a new moon, waxes until she is full, and wanes back toward the darkness of her death and birth again as a new moon. We can visibly watch as she passes through these phases and we can actually feel the pull on our emotions and energies change, same as the tides. During the new moon phase, which is considered to last three days, it is common to focus on intentional magic, what we want to achieve during this moon cycle. As the moon waxes for about two weeks, we continue focusing on the intentions we set at the beginning of the cycle drawing that which we desire to us. At the full moon, also considered to last three days, when she is at her brightest and her entire side is lit up for us to see, we relish in that which we have manifested through our intentional magic so far in this moon phase. It is common to perform spells and rituals focusing on that which the moon has brought us and our own personal and spiritual growth at this time.
After her stunning full phase, our moon’s light wanes and during this time we are letting go of that which we do not need. What did not serve us is reduced, removed, and let go. This two week phase of darkening is used to banish and release all that is not contributing to our highest good. This can be particular mindsets, physical pain, toxic relationships, or simply restless sleep, debts, etc. Each soul is unique and can work with the power of the moon’s phases to their unique advantage. Magic is personal, soulful, intentional, and incredibly powerful if you believe. Let yourself be enchanted by the magic of the moon who watches over us all our lives and pulls us into her motherly embrace, rocking our sweet planet to sleep each night. And so It is.